Business Fields
Our Business Fields are For business development and consultancy services related to scientific, intellectual, professional and applied technology transfer projects.[For services, business development, consultancy and scientific cooperation in the fields of study, organization, management and follow-up of projects related to technology transfer between technology donor companies and project executing companies on the one hand and companies investing in projects on the other hand) in the following areas:
In all fields of energy production and development and related new technology (regular and renewable energy and all related projects).
In all fields of agricultural and animal production projects and the development of related business projects.
In all fields of food projects and the development of related business projects.
Scientific , Education and Research
In all fields of scientific and educational research, scientific cooperation and the development of related business projects.
In all pharmaceutical fields, technology transfer, manufacturing, scientific cooperation and the development of business projects related to it..
In all fields of the environment, environmental protection, scientific cooperation, technology transfer and the development of related business projects
In all pharmaceutical fields, technology transfer, manufacturing, scientific cooperation and the development of business projects related to it.
In all industrial fields related to the establishment and development of industrial projects, their development and the development of related business
In various fields of development and investment projects, infrastructure projects and related business development.